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fruBUJO - April 2017

April was my very first month in the BUJO world. After looking for one billion inspiration site I decided to design my first month in art-deco. Near to our flat there are a lot of old buildings and anyway that age with swing and Poirot is maybe my favourite one.

I made photos everywhere where I saw an interesting piece of buildings - a window, a balcony, a balustrade...

Than I started to convert them to BUJO items. Sometimes more sometimes less successfully...


I made a site for remember to ring up my old friends:

That's a poem from the Hungarian poet Arpad Toth from the 1920's: about dawn in the city centre- where I am living. I draw buildings which I see every day from my window or on the way going to work every day.

That was a short memory on the day when we started to learn Lindy-Hop:


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